After giving a lab tour to a couple of dental students the other day, I caught myself drifting off on the familiar topic of MAN vs MACHINE... When you see all the shiny moving parts of the scanners, millers and printers, you can't help but to ask the same question as most - "how many people's jobs have these replaced?" And let me tell you how satisfying it is to say NONE every time! If you read one of our previous blogs on digital, we touched on this topic a bit - that technology isn't magic and still needs brainpower to operate it. And that we take pride in not getting rid of old techniques and skills, but up-cycling them into other areas where they can be honed and refined. The same goes for technicians - hand waxers can become CAD/CAM designers with a stylus in hand. As I drifted further, I became curious about other professions and how they may have changed over time. Check out this article I found and how there was a time when taxi dr...