
Showing posts from August, 2018

Give us the scoop!

You know those relationships that end with "It's not you, it's me".  Well, what if it is you? Seems a likely choice to look yourself square in the eye and head back to the drawing board for some changes. Or maybe you figure that whatever didn't work out just wasn't a good fit, and you accept it as it is. Either way, to know is to understand.  So, we must have the scoop! At work, our customers (or at home, our friends and family) are usually our best shot at giving us some sort of perspective. You can trust your customers' opinions to be mostly accurate based on actual experience, and you have the chance to engage in conversations via the convenience of reoccurred crossed paths.  So what about the opinions of strangers? As business owners and entrepreneurs, it's likely that this percentage is a heck of a lot larger than that of our current customers. So there goes that theory we learned as kids telling us not to worry about the opinio...