DTA's IRONMAN and Drake's CFO is Training for his 5th Race!

He's back at it again this year! The Dental Trade Alliance featured our CFO, Robert Savage Jr., in a well-written tribute article about his IRONMAN journeys. In the article, he mentions overcoming mental and physical barriers while training for and participating in the race. It's encompassing the idea of what he believes in - what the DTA is all about. By showing discipline; by overcoming barriers, we can raise awareness and improve access to oral and overall health to those in need - no matter the struggle or difficulty! "This year my goal is to raise $10,000 for the DTAF so that they can provide these scholarships to Dental School candidates who exemplify a commitment to community service to others and fulfill the mission of the DTAF Scholarship program. Please help me reach my goal. I am 4 weeks away from race day and need your support. Donations can be made through the below link." ...