We step into the vast blogging world as a dental laboratory from Charlotte, NC  with a hope to expand our relationships, and with an open mindset to share our knowledge of the trade.
Collectively we decided that we should create a central location to share all of the newest dental dish we hear, and the answers to questions that we seem to get on a regular basis. After-all, what’s better than a bunch of tooth nerds bonding over this kind of stuff?

But seriously, who cares?

 That's the all-powerful question as we dive in...
Does the general public even get jazzed up to read anymore?
Is knowledge really that powerful?
Or should we go ahead and insert another teenage eye roll right now?
But then we come to the answer as we dig deeper. We care. We care about teeth.  We care about the patient.  We care about the materials and the products. We think our jobs are super cool - fascinating at times. And we like to get intricately detailed about dental stuff in general! 
At the end of the day, we could bring home a paycheck doing just about anything, but its the lab life that we're passionate about. Thus our blogging journey was born. 


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